Thursday, December 20, 2012

Easton sees a picture of a reindeer at the postoffice yesterday.   He says "Deer, BOOM BOOM"   Apparently he has been watching a little too much hunting channel with dad :)

Christmas Tree

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Yep, we did it.  Easton is bum

Transition to toddler bed

Easton can officially climb up on the tall bar stools, climb out of his crib and the pack and play is no match either.  He now is sleeping in his toddler bed.  Today was rough far also, he screamed and pounded on his door then he figured out how to open  it ugh!  So now we are in for it.  I hope he gets the hang of falling asleep without the huge fight every time I guess only time will tell.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Urinal for Easton

Rough weeks

Easton has been a little cranky these days and has been waking up in the middle of the night and waking up early crying.  I hear 18 month old sleep regression is pretty normal.  I think all four of his canines are coming in too so that must not be fun.  But also he seems to be absorbing a lot right now, just this week learning his facial features.   He is quite the explorer he never  really wanted to pay attention to learning his ears and nose until recently and he is now picking words up quickly.  

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sinks bath

Eastons entertained while clean the fridge - multitasking for this mom !

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sick and Teething

This week has been a long one, Easton has four teeth breaking through and he got the "Hand Foot and Mouth" virus so he has this rash all over.  The doctor says his body is handling it really well though and he never got any sores in his mouth.

Nectarines Anyone?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Taking Big Steps !

Easton took his first real set of steps yesterday.  They were a little shakey but he looked pretty confident. 
This video was after he did the big walk, we were trying to get him to keep going, but I think he got a little shy ant tuckered out :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Clap clap clap

We have been trying to get Easton to clap for months, today at the store he started clapping like crazy when a song came on the radio, he looked so proud and did it over and over.  But now we are at home and I can't get him to clap again !


 Easton has found a love for his soft blankets, it is the cutest thing.  He cuddles up with them and closes his eyes like he's going to sleep.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St Patricks Day 2012

I wish grandma Gledhill was around I remember how much this day meant to her-